Week #52-A Hopeful Ending
This last week of 2022, we find ourselves in the final scriptures of Revelations. When I read the verse last verse in the Bible, I find much hope.
“Behold, I am coming soon! My reward is with me, and I will give to everyone according to what he has done. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.” (Revelation 22:21)
If you could choose your final words, what would you say? Would they be words of hope? I recall some of my mother’s final words when she instructed my siblings and me to make sure we “saved the seeds”. Her words not only gave me hope but also a sense of individual responsibility. It was up to me to continue to carry the torch of faith into the next generation. I will continue to save and plant seeds of my faith in as many places and in as many ways as I possibly can.
This week’s book is called:
Save the Seeds By Kathy Bingham Powell
This last week of 2022, we find ourselves in the final scriptures of Revelations. When I read the verse last verse in the Bible, I find much hope.
“Behold, I am coming soon! My reward is with me, and I will give to everyone according to what he has done. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.” (Revelation 22:21)
If you could choose your final words, what would you say? Would they be words of hope? I recall some of my mother’s final words when she instructed my siblings and me to make sure we “saved the seeds”. Her words not only gave me hope but also a sense of individual responsibility. It was up to me to continue to carry the torch of faith into the next generation. I will continue to save and plant seeds of my faith in as many places and in as many ways as I possibly can.
This week’s book is called:
Save the Seeds By Kathy Bingham Powell
Week #51-Dreams of Christmas
The trees are up and full of lights, the candles are flickering in the windows, and the smell of freshly baked cookies fill the air. It’s hard to believe it is only one more week before the celebration of the birth of our Savior Jesus Christ. As we contemplate Mary and Joseph’s journey into Bethlehem this week, we anxiously await with hope, love, peace, and joy in our hearts.
Did you know that the Book of Revelations also speaks of a woman whom many believe represents imagery of the Virgin Mary. I love symbolism!!
“Then I witnessed in heaven an event of great significance. I saw a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon beneath her feet, and a crown of twelve stars on her head. She was pregnant and she cried out because of her labor pains and the agony of giving birth.” (Revelations 12:1-2)
All who faithfully wait for the second coming of Jesus also cry out in pain just as Mary did on that first Christmas.
Below is another one of my favorite Christmas books which is also full of rich symbolism and imagery of the Virgin Mary.
The Donkey’s Dream By Barbara Helen Berger
(As the tired little donkey approaches Bethlehem, his burden of carrying Mary is transformed into other miraculous symbols he was carrying on his back. He dreams he is carrying a city, a ship, a fountain, and a rose. “And suddenly the donkey was not tired anymore…”. Never stop dreaming of the awesome things God continues to do through each of our lives.)
The trees are up and full of lights, the candles are flickering in the windows, and the smell of freshly baked cookies fill the air. It’s hard to believe it is only one more week before the celebration of the birth of our Savior Jesus Christ. As we contemplate Mary and Joseph’s journey into Bethlehem this week, we anxiously await with hope, love, peace, and joy in our hearts.
Did you know that the Book of Revelations also speaks of a woman whom many believe represents imagery of the Virgin Mary. I love symbolism!!
“Then I witnessed in heaven an event of great significance. I saw a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon beneath her feet, and a crown of twelve stars on her head. She was pregnant and she cried out because of her labor pains and the agony of giving birth.” (Revelations 12:1-2)
All who faithfully wait for the second coming of Jesus also cry out in pain just as Mary did on that first Christmas.
Below is another one of my favorite Christmas books which is also full of rich symbolism and imagery of the Virgin Mary.
The Donkey’s Dream By Barbara Helen Berger
(As the tired little donkey approaches Bethlehem, his burden of carrying Mary is transformed into other miraculous symbols he was carrying on his back. He dreams he is carrying a city, a ship, a fountain, and a rose. “And suddenly the donkey was not tired anymore…”. Never stop dreaming of the awesome things God continues to do through each of our lives.)
Week # 50-Rhoda
During the season of BELIEVING, what better story to share than this often untold story from Acts about a girl and her amazing faith to BELIEVE. I was unable to locate a picture book about Rhoda but found her beautiful story in an old Bible story book I use to read as a child. Enjoy..
“I cannot tell you how old Rhoda was, but the Bible calls her a “damsel,” so I think she could have been a young teenager. She may have been a servant-girl or even a daughter in the house of John Mark. I know she was an active girl and not afraid of the dark, even though it was late at night.
It was shortly after midnight, and there were many gathered together in that house, praying. Peter was in prison and his life was in danger. They were praying to the God of heaven, the Father who loved them, and to the Lord Jesus who has all power in heaven and earth.
Rhoda was there at the prayer meeting. She knew Peter, for she had often listened to his voice and she knew it well. His words were precious, because he told her that she was not redeemed with silver and gold but with the precious blood of Christ. He told her that Jesus, His own self, bore her sins in His own body on the tree. And he told her that she was a living stone in God’s great spiritual house. Perhaps she had not yet heard of all these wonderful truths, but all this was part of Peter’s message, and since it was God’s Word, it was precious to the hearts of those in John Mark’s house that night. Maybe there were groans and tears as they prayed for Peter in prison and about to lose his life.
Listen! There is a knock at the gate. It was Rhoda who ran down the passageway in the dark where she heard not only a knock but a voice calling to be let in. She recognized the voice, and she was so surprised and happy that she ran back to those praying with the news that Peter was at the gate!
But girls can be wrong! Why listen to Rhoda? It couldn’t be true. Didn’t she know that Peter was in prison? They told her she was out of her mind.
But she insisted that it was Peter’s voice and that he was at the gate!
“It is his angel,” they said.
Maybe there has been a time in your life when you knew that the answer is “Yes,” even when everybody around you said “No.” If you are trusting what God says, you may be sure that His Word is true. Others will see it later. Yes, God is true and His Word is worth trusting no matter what anybody says.
By this time everybody could hear the knocking on the gate, and when they opened it. . . there stood Peter - the very man they had been praying for! "
Biblical virtue: Pray expectantly and always BELIEVE.
For the remaining three weeks of December, let's enjoy some of our favorite Christmas stories. One of my favorite's is called:
The Spirit of Christmas By Nancy Tillman
During the season of BELIEVING, what better story to share than this often untold story from Acts about a girl and her amazing faith to BELIEVE. I was unable to locate a picture book about Rhoda but found her beautiful story in an old Bible story book I use to read as a child. Enjoy..
“I cannot tell you how old Rhoda was, but the Bible calls her a “damsel,” so I think she could have been a young teenager. She may have been a servant-girl or even a daughter in the house of John Mark. I know she was an active girl and not afraid of the dark, even though it was late at night.
It was shortly after midnight, and there were many gathered together in that house, praying. Peter was in prison and his life was in danger. They were praying to the God of heaven, the Father who loved them, and to the Lord Jesus who has all power in heaven and earth.
Rhoda was there at the prayer meeting. She knew Peter, for she had often listened to his voice and she knew it well. His words were precious, because he told her that she was not redeemed with silver and gold but with the precious blood of Christ. He told her that Jesus, His own self, bore her sins in His own body on the tree. And he told her that she was a living stone in God’s great spiritual house. Perhaps she had not yet heard of all these wonderful truths, but all this was part of Peter’s message, and since it was God’s Word, it was precious to the hearts of those in John Mark’s house that night. Maybe there were groans and tears as they prayed for Peter in prison and about to lose his life.
Listen! There is a knock at the gate. It was Rhoda who ran down the passageway in the dark where she heard not only a knock but a voice calling to be let in. She recognized the voice, and she was so surprised and happy that she ran back to those praying with the news that Peter was at the gate!
But girls can be wrong! Why listen to Rhoda? It couldn’t be true. Didn’t she know that Peter was in prison? They told her she was out of her mind.
But she insisted that it was Peter’s voice and that he was at the gate!
“It is his angel,” they said.
Maybe there has been a time in your life when you knew that the answer is “Yes,” even when everybody around you said “No.” If you are trusting what God says, you may be sure that His Word is true. Others will see it later. Yes, God is true and His Word is worth trusting no matter what anybody says.
By this time everybody could hear the knocking on the gate, and when they opened it. . . there stood Peter - the very man they had been praying for! "
Biblical virtue: Pray expectantly and always BELIEVE.
For the remaining three weeks of December, let's enjoy some of our favorite Christmas stories. One of my favorite's is called:
The Spirit of Christmas By Nancy Tillman
Week #49-Paul and the Church
I think most of us have played the little game where we create a church by folding our hands together, holding up our two pointer fingers as the steeple, and then exposing the people (our fingers) inside.......
“Here’s the church
Here’s the steeple
Open the door and here’s the people.”
Young children often can’t grasp the deeper meanings of what a church is. Most young kids would say it’s a building and those a little older might say it’s like a group of people or a family.
What does church mean to you?
What truly makes a church?
The Apostle Paul is attributed with starting many new churches after the death of Jesus. It’s also interesting to note that he transcended denominations and promoted unity and fellowship. Remember to always keep your faith as simple as a little child and don’t overthink. It’s about spreading the love of Jesus.
Our book this week is
A Small Green Tree and. Square Brick Church By Bernice Hogan
“Their responsibility is to equip God’s people to do his work and build up the church, the body of Christ.”
(Ephesians 4:12)
(A little boy ponders what makes a church. Just like a tree needs fruit, a church needs people. Both produce.
I think most of us have played the little game where we create a church by folding our hands together, holding up our two pointer fingers as the steeple, and then exposing the people (our fingers) inside.......
“Here’s the church
Here’s the steeple
Open the door and here’s the people.”
Young children often can’t grasp the deeper meanings of what a church is. Most young kids would say it’s a building and those a little older might say it’s like a group of people or a family.
What does church mean to you?
What truly makes a church?
The Apostle Paul is attributed with starting many new churches after the death of Jesus. It’s also interesting to note that he transcended denominations and promoted unity and fellowship. Remember to always keep your faith as simple as a little child and don’t overthink. It’s about spreading the love of Jesus.
Our book this week is
A Small Green Tree and. Square Brick Church By Bernice Hogan
“Their responsibility is to equip God’s people to do his work and build up the church, the body of Christ.”
(Ephesians 4:12)
(A little boy ponders what makes a church. Just like a tree needs fruit, a church needs people. Both produce.
Week #48-Love to Spare
After Thanksgiving, we begin to think about the season of giving. With hearts full of gratitude, we seek out ways of helping others. What is your attitude towards giving? Is it about generosity or being good stewards? Or maybe it’s about humility or responsibility? ALL of these are Biblical virtues in regards to giving and God encourages ALL of these things. There’s so much to consider when we think about the act of giving and so many ways in which we can give. No matter how or what you give, let’s consider the ONE thing that should be expressed in every act of giving whether it be your money, time, or talents. That one thing is compassion. The love of God should shine through every act of giving. Kids need to understand that loving and being loved doesn’t require giving or receiving big sums of dollars and cents, or just dropping off a donation, or even sending a home-made card. These are all wonderful things but we all too often make these actions about ourselves. True giving only requires love. And that is the love that comes from the Holy Spirit alone and only shines through us. It can’t be bought or even earned. It’s about random acts of love and caring for one another all for the glory of God. Giving isn’t a “check it off your list” moment or even a “feel good about yourself” moment. It’s a time to reveal the love of God.
After Jesus died, the Holy Spirit came into the lives of the believers. We now have the priceless power to do amazing things because of an awesome God. All it costs is love. Have you heard the story about the man who thought he could buy the Holy Spirit?
“When Simon saw that the Spirit was given at the laying on of the apostles’ hands, he offered them money and said, “Give me also this ability so that everyone on whom I lay my hands may receive the Holy Spirit.” Peter answered: “May your money perish with you, because you thought you could buy the gift of God with money! You have no part or share in this ministry, because your heart is not right before God.” (Acts 8:28-21)
Our book this week is:
Brother, Can You Spare a Dime? By Molly Schaar Idle
After Thanksgiving, we begin to think about the season of giving. With hearts full of gratitude, we seek out ways of helping others. What is your attitude towards giving? Is it about generosity or being good stewards? Or maybe it’s about humility or responsibility? ALL of these are Biblical virtues in regards to giving and God encourages ALL of these things. There’s so much to consider when we think about the act of giving and so many ways in which we can give. No matter how or what you give, let’s consider the ONE thing that should be expressed in every act of giving whether it be your money, time, or talents. That one thing is compassion. The love of God should shine through every act of giving. Kids need to understand that loving and being loved doesn’t require giving or receiving big sums of dollars and cents, or just dropping off a donation, or even sending a home-made card. These are all wonderful things but we all too often make these actions about ourselves. True giving only requires love. And that is the love that comes from the Holy Spirit alone and only shines through us. It can’t be bought or even earned. It’s about random acts of love and caring for one another all for the glory of God. Giving isn’t a “check it off your list” moment or even a “feel good about yourself” moment. It’s a time to reveal the love of God.
After Jesus died, the Holy Spirit came into the lives of the believers. We now have the priceless power to do amazing things because of an awesome God. All it costs is love. Have you heard the story about the man who thought he could buy the Holy Spirit?
“When Simon saw that the Spirit was given at the laying on of the apostles’ hands, he offered them money and said, “Give me also this ability so that everyone on whom I lay my hands may receive the Holy Spirit.” Peter answered: “May your money perish with you, because you thought you could buy the gift of God with money! You have no part or share in this ministry, because your heart is not right before God.” (Acts 8:28-21)
Our book this week is:
Brother, Can You Spare a Dime? By Molly Schaar Idle
Week #47 - Penitent Thief
Once again we read about a person with no name-the penitent thief. We don’t really know what his crime was but there are certain legends that suggest he was a desert thief who perhaps robbed Mary and Joseph as they fled Bethlehem. Makes for a good story at the very least. From the Bible, we only know that he was forgiven in the final moments of his life and Jesus promised him a place in eternity.
"Jesus answered him, "Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise." (Luke 23:43)
Also I think it is interesting to note that he first reached out in concern for the other thief who was not remorseful before he even thought to ask forgiveness for his own wrong doings. The penitent thief spoke to the other thief saying,
“Do you not even fear God…..we are suffering for what we deserve…”
(Luke 23:40)
Lastly, it is interesting that he hung on the cross which was on the RIGHT side of Jesus’ cross. This is such an incredible story that even the Catholic and Greek religions named him a saint-Saint Dismiss. WOW! The power of forgiveness is amazing. It’s never too early and it’s never too late to humble ourselves and ask for forgiveness. We all make mistakes but God loves us still the same and yes, even in our final breaths. That’s how much He loves us!
Our picture book this week is:
God Cares When I Am Sorry By Elspeth Campbell Murphy
Biblical virtues are humility and forgiveness
Click on the image below to hear this story from the book.
Once again we read about a person with no name-the penitent thief. We don’t really know what his crime was but there are certain legends that suggest he was a desert thief who perhaps robbed Mary and Joseph as they fled Bethlehem. Makes for a good story at the very least. From the Bible, we only know that he was forgiven in the final moments of his life and Jesus promised him a place in eternity.
"Jesus answered him, "Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise." (Luke 23:43)
Also I think it is interesting to note that he first reached out in concern for the other thief who was not remorseful before he even thought to ask forgiveness for his own wrong doings. The penitent thief spoke to the other thief saying,
“Do you not even fear God…..we are suffering for what we deserve…”
(Luke 23:40)
Lastly, it is interesting that he hung on the cross which was on the RIGHT side of Jesus’ cross. This is such an incredible story that even the Catholic and Greek religions named him a saint-Saint Dismiss. WOW! The power of forgiveness is amazing. It’s never too early and it’s never too late to humble ourselves and ask for forgiveness. We all make mistakes but God loves us still the same and yes, even in our final breaths. That’s how much He loves us!
Our picture book this week is:
God Cares When I Am Sorry By Elspeth Campbell Murphy
Biblical virtues are humility and forgiveness
Click on the image below to hear this story from the book.
Week #46 - Towers and Time
How do you look at time? In the New Testament we read that Jesus spoke of the need for a timely repentance , just as the prophets of the Old Testament did. Time is of importance to the unsaved. But, for those who believe, time is looked at differently….time is eternity and will never end. Have you ever heard of the Tower of Siloam? This story is mentioned in the Book of Luke. Jesus talks about the time a tower collapsed and eighteen people died. The main point of this passage wasn’t that the sins of the people caused this to happen (bad things happen to good people) but rather Jesus tells us this story to emphasize the timely importance of repentance. We do not know the day or hour our Savior will call us home. Time is of essence for the unbeliever. Those who believe are already living in eternity. Jesus words said
"Do you think that these Galileans were worse sinners than all the other galileans because they suffered this way? I tell you, no! But unless you repent, you too will all perish." (Luke 13:2-3)
Perhaps this is a difficult subject for kids; however, nevertheless, time is important no matter how you look at it. There is no time like the present time to do random acts of kindness. There is no time like the present time to teach your children to be still and listen for the voice of God.
Our book this week is:
A Quiet Place By Douglas Wood
(Find your quiet place and listen to God. )
Click on the image below to hear the book.
How do you look at time? In the New Testament we read that Jesus spoke of the need for a timely repentance , just as the prophets of the Old Testament did. Time is of importance to the unsaved. But, for those who believe, time is looked at differently….time is eternity and will never end. Have you ever heard of the Tower of Siloam? This story is mentioned in the Book of Luke. Jesus talks about the time a tower collapsed and eighteen people died. The main point of this passage wasn’t that the sins of the people caused this to happen (bad things happen to good people) but rather Jesus tells us this story to emphasize the timely importance of repentance. We do not know the day or hour our Savior will call us home. Time is of essence for the unbeliever. Those who believe are already living in eternity. Jesus words said
"Do you think that these Galileans were worse sinners than all the other galileans because they suffered this way? I tell you, no! But unless you repent, you too will all perish." (Luke 13:2-3)
Perhaps this is a difficult subject for kids; however, nevertheless, time is important no matter how you look at it. There is no time like the present time to do random acts of kindness. There is no time like the present time to teach your children to be still and listen for the voice of God.
Our book this week is:
A Quiet Place By Douglas Wood
(Find your quiet place and listen to God. )
Click on the image below to hear the book.
Week #45 - No Names
This week we have the stories of a humble soldier (centurion) and a persistent mother-both Gentiles. These two stories are often referenced as simply miracle stories but they actually have a much deeper meaning. They also foreshadow the future of Jesus’ ministry-God loves and accepts all people who believe in Jesus Christ. It is through these stories that we first see Jesus reaching out and healing non-Jews.
In the centurion story we hear Jesus say:
“I say to you that many will come from the east and the west, and will take their places at the feast with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob in the kingdom of heaven.” (Mathew 8:11)
In the story of the Canaanite woman, we see a change of heart. Jesus’ first response was
“…..I was sent only to the lost sheep of Israel.”
(Matthew 15:24)
But after the woman’s great faith and persistence Jesus responds:
“….Woman, you have great faith! Your request is granted”
(Matthew 15:28)
For the kids who might not grasp the whole Jewish-Gentile discussion, it’s about loving and witnessing to all people, even those who might think differently than we do. It’s about being humble before an Almighty God and being persistent in our desires to a loving God.
Another interesting point for the kids is that we do not even know the names of the people in these two stories from the Bible. There are many people whose names we will never hear but whose lives help made the world a better place.
God has a purpose for each of us and even though many names are missing throughout the Bible and in history books, each person was born with a purpose. Are you living into God’s purpose? God knows not only your name but He has numbered the hairs on your head.
You can read the story of the centurion in Matthew 8:5-13. Our second story is one of our picture books:
Jesus and the Canaanite Woman
(God accepts all people who believe in Jesus Christ as the Son of God)
We have also included a second picture
God Knows My Name By Debby Anderson
(All people are important to God)
Our Biblical virtues are Humility and Grace and Salvation
Click on the images below to hear the books.
This week we have the stories of a humble soldier (centurion) and a persistent mother-both Gentiles. These two stories are often referenced as simply miracle stories but they actually have a much deeper meaning. They also foreshadow the future of Jesus’ ministry-God loves and accepts all people who believe in Jesus Christ. It is through these stories that we first see Jesus reaching out and healing non-Jews.
In the centurion story we hear Jesus say:
“I say to you that many will come from the east and the west, and will take their places at the feast with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob in the kingdom of heaven.” (Mathew 8:11)
In the story of the Canaanite woman, we see a change of heart. Jesus’ first response was
“…..I was sent only to the lost sheep of Israel.”
(Matthew 15:24)
But after the woman’s great faith and persistence Jesus responds:
“….Woman, you have great faith! Your request is granted”
(Matthew 15:28)
For the kids who might not grasp the whole Jewish-Gentile discussion, it’s about loving and witnessing to all people, even those who might think differently than we do. It’s about being humble before an Almighty God and being persistent in our desires to a loving God.
Another interesting point for the kids is that we do not even know the names of the people in these two stories from the Bible. There are many people whose names we will never hear but whose lives help made the world a better place.
God has a purpose for each of us and even though many names are missing throughout the Bible and in history books, each person was born with a purpose. Are you living into God’s purpose? God knows not only your name but He has numbered the hairs on your head.
You can read the story of the centurion in Matthew 8:5-13. Our second story is one of our picture books:
Jesus and the Canaanite Woman
(God accepts all people who believe in Jesus Christ as the Son of God)
We have also included a second picture
God Knows My Name By Debby Anderson
(All people are important to God)
Our Biblical virtues are Humility and Grace and Salvation
Click on the images below to hear the books.
Week #44 - Follow the Science/Follow Jesus
The phrase “follow the science” has recently become very popular in our world. This can be a fair statement but we also need to remember to always also “followJesus”, who created and controls science. The three wise men actually did just that. Most likely they were not actual kings but rather ancient astronomers and mathematicians. They probably acquired the title of kings from the reference to kings from the following scripture:
“Nations will come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your dawn.” (Isaiah 60:3)
“All kings will bow before him, and all nations will serve him.” (Psalm 72:11)
These scientists studied the skies and followed the science/predicted prophecies of the birth of a Savior. They took notice of the unusual event that occurred on the night of Jesus' birth with the appearance of a majestic star over the stable where Jesus lay.
Living at the coast, I have recently become involved in the sea turtle patrol. One of the things that stands out in my mind is how these tiny creatures always follow light. This reminds me that we should always follow the light of God’s love, listening to the voice inside each of us.
Our two books this week are:
Follow the Moon By Sarah Weeks
(even though this isn’t how the hatching of a turtle nest goes, it is a
sweet story of a boy who rescued a lost sea turtle and showed him the true light.)
"Jesus spoke to the people once more and said, "I am the light of the world. If you follow me, you won't have to walk in darkness, because you will have the light that leads to life." (John 8:12)
The Wisemen Who Found Christmas By Raymond Arroy
(Just like the turtle, the wisemen followed the light which led them to Jesus. I would highly recommend this book as a Christmas gift for grandkids or yourself!)
"...We saw his star as it rose, and we have come to worship him." (Matthew 2:2)
Biblical virtue is accepting the grace and salvation of Jesus and following His true light.
Click on the images below to hear the books.
The phrase “follow the science” has recently become very popular in our world. This can be a fair statement but we also need to remember to always also “followJesus”, who created and controls science. The three wise men actually did just that. Most likely they were not actual kings but rather ancient astronomers and mathematicians. They probably acquired the title of kings from the reference to kings from the following scripture:
“Nations will come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your dawn.” (Isaiah 60:3)
“All kings will bow before him, and all nations will serve him.” (Psalm 72:11)
These scientists studied the skies and followed the science/predicted prophecies of the birth of a Savior. They took notice of the unusual event that occurred on the night of Jesus' birth with the appearance of a majestic star over the stable where Jesus lay.
Living at the coast, I have recently become involved in the sea turtle patrol. One of the things that stands out in my mind is how these tiny creatures always follow light. This reminds me that we should always follow the light of God’s love, listening to the voice inside each of us.
Our two books this week are:
Follow the Moon By Sarah Weeks
(even though this isn’t how the hatching of a turtle nest goes, it is a
sweet story of a boy who rescued a lost sea turtle and showed him the true light.)
"Jesus spoke to the people once more and said, "I am the light of the world. If you follow me, you won't have to walk in darkness, because you will have the light that leads to life." (John 8:12)
The Wisemen Who Found Christmas By Raymond Arroy
(Just like the turtle, the wisemen followed the light which led them to Jesus. I would highly recommend this book as a Christmas gift for grandkids or yourself!)
"...We saw his star as it rose, and we have come to worship him." (Matthew 2:2)
Biblical virtue is accepting the grace and salvation of Jesus and following His true light.
Click on the images below to hear the books.
Week #43-Silence
Most of us are familiar with the beautiful stories of Esther and Jonah so we will only mention them here and move into the New Testament for the remaining 10 weeks of this year. We learn about 400 years of silence in between the New and Old Testaments. Even though God allowed the people to go back to their country, He did not allow them to be a separate kingdom. There were no new prophets during this time. The Israelites remained servants of the kings of other nations until their capture by the Romans. Why did God remain silent for so long?
Atlas, we enter into the beautiful stories of the New Testament. We will continue to talk about less familiar stories or ideas. How many are familiar with the story of Zechariah and how he lost his voice after the news from the angel Gabriel that his wife was pregnant at a very old age? Silence again!
"Then the angel said, "I am Gabriel! I stand in the very presence of God. It was he who sent me to bring you this good news! But now, since you didn't believe what I said, you will be silent and unable to speak until the child is born. For my words will certainly be fulfilled at the proper time." (Luke 1:19-20)
Our picture book this week is:
His name is John By Erik Rottman
Biblical virtue is faith, the miraculous gift of God. God includes the smallest people. Even the unborn infant child still in his mother's womb, leapt for joy (Think about the implications of that one!) Every child should hear the powerful, life-giving Word of God "from infancy"
Click on the image below to hear the book.
Most of us are familiar with the beautiful stories of Esther and Jonah so we will only mention them here and move into the New Testament for the remaining 10 weeks of this year. We learn about 400 years of silence in between the New and Old Testaments. Even though God allowed the people to go back to their country, He did not allow them to be a separate kingdom. There were no new prophets during this time. The Israelites remained servants of the kings of other nations until their capture by the Romans. Why did God remain silent for so long?
Atlas, we enter into the beautiful stories of the New Testament. We will continue to talk about less familiar stories or ideas. How many are familiar with the story of Zechariah and how he lost his voice after the news from the angel Gabriel that his wife was pregnant at a very old age? Silence again!
"Then the angel said, "I am Gabriel! I stand in the very presence of God. It was he who sent me to bring you this good news! But now, since you didn't believe what I said, you will be silent and unable to speak until the child is born. For my words will certainly be fulfilled at the proper time." (Luke 1:19-20)
Our picture book this week is:
His name is John By Erik Rottman
Biblical virtue is faith, the miraculous gift of God. God includes the smallest people. Even the unborn infant child still in his mother's womb, leapt for joy (Think about the implications of that one!) Every child should hear the powerful, life-giving Word of God "from infancy"
Click on the image below to hear the book.
Week #42-A City With No Walls
Even though the temple was rebuilt, the city walls remained broken down for a while longer. The people were constantly threatened by the attack of enemies without a wall of protection.
“Things are not going well for those who returned to the province of Judah. They are in great trouble and disgrace. The wall of Jerusalem has been torn down, and the gates have been destroyed by fire.”
(Nehemiah 1:3)
God acknowledged this and blessed the rebuilding of the city walls.
“When the enemies and the surrounding nations heard about it, they were frightened and humbled. They realized this work had been done with the help of God.”
(Nehemiah 6:15-16)
God chose Nehemiah because He knew Nehemiah would get the job done even if problems arose.
Our picture book this week is
Nehemiah’s greatest day By Penny Frank
Our Biblical virtue is courage and responsibility
Click on the image below to hear the book:
Even though the temple was rebuilt, the city walls remained broken down for a while longer. The people were constantly threatened by the attack of enemies without a wall of protection.
“Things are not going well for those who returned to the province of Judah. They are in great trouble and disgrace. The wall of Jerusalem has been torn down, and the gates have been destroyed by fire.”
(Nehemiah 1:3)
God acknowledged this and blessed the rebuilding of the city walls.
“When the enemies and the surrounding nations heard about it, they were frightened and humbled. They realized this work had been done with the help of God.”
(Nehemiah 6:15-16)
God chose Nehemiah because He knew Nehemiah would get the job done even if problems arose.
Our picture book this week is
Nehemiah’s greatest day By Penny Frank
Our Biblical virtue is courage and responsibility
Click on the image below to hear the book:
Week 41 - Going Home
After many years in Babylonian captivity and being separated from their home, some of the people returned to Jerusalem.
"Then rose up Zerubbabel....and began to build the house of God which [is] at Jerusalem."(Ezra 4:3)
This story can parallel our own lives in many ways. We can be separated from God as a result of our sins but the pathway that leads home is always open. Zerubbabel led the people back to Jerusalem just as Jesus led us to New Jerusalem. Like the children of Israel we need a high priest to offer a sacrifice on our behalf. Jesus Christ, God’s temple, is that sacrifice. Just as the temple was once destroyed, Jesus the man was also destroyed but both were raised up. Even when bad things happen, God continues His good work through us. As we start to end the Old Testament, may we see parallels with these old stories and our lives today.
Our book this week is:
Zerubbabel Rebuilds the Temple By Larry Burgdorf
Biblical virtue is believing in grace and salvation
Click on the image below to hear the book.
After many years in Babylonian captivity and being separated from their home, some of the people returned to Jerusalem.
"Then rose up Zerubbabel....and began to build the house of God which [is] at Jerusalem."(Ezra 4:3)
This story can parallel our own lives in many ways. We can be separated from God as a result of our sins but the pathway that leads home is always open. Zerubbabel led the people back to Jerusalem just as Jesus led us to New Jerusalem. Like the children of Israel we need a high priest to offer a sacrifice on our behalf. Jesus Christ, God’s temple, is that sacrifice. Just as the temple was once destroyed, Jesus the man was also destroyed but both were raised up. Even when bad things happen, God continues His good work through us. As we start to end the Old Testament, may we see parallels with these old stories and our lives today.
Our book this week is:
Zerubbabel Rebuilds the Temple By Larry Burgdorf
Biblical virtue is believing in grace and salvation
Click on the image below to hear the book.
Week 40-The Rest of the Story
The fall of Jerusalem was not the end of the story. We now come to the story and prophecy of Daniel which ranks right up there with the story of Noah and the story of Jonah for kids. Gotta love the story of the Lion’s Den! Daniel reminds us that God remains in control.
"He [God} reveals deep and mysterious things and knows what lies hidden in darkness, though he is surrounded by Light." (Daniel 2:22)
But what are some things you might not have considered about Daniel?
-Daniel was prone to fainting spells.
“Daniel, fainted and was sick for days,” (Daniel 8:17) A visit and a vision from the angel Gabriel had a similar effect on him: “I (Daniel) had no strength left, my face turned deathly pale, and I was helpless.”
I can’t imagine how emotionally draining it must have been to receive these prophetic dreams and visions about the future.
-Daniel is considered the Old Testament counterpart to John. God called both men “beloved” and they both wrote prophecies of the end of times.
Our Picture Book this week is:
Daniel and the Lion's Den (read by the kids)
Biblical virtue is Courage and the Sovereignty of God
Click on the image below to hear the book.
The fall of Jerusalem was not the end of the story. We now come to the story and prophecy of Daniel which ranks right up there with the story of Noah and the story of Jonah for kids. Gotta love the story of the Lion’s Den! Daniel reminds us that God remains in control.
"He [God} reveals deep and mysterious things and knows what lies hidden in darkness, though he is surrounded by Light." (Daniel 2:22)
But what are some things you might not have considered about Daniel?
-Daniel was prone to fainting spells.
“Daniel, fainted and was sick for days,” (Daniel 8:17) A visit and a vision from the angel Gabriel had a similar effect on him: “I (Daniel) had no strength left, my face turned deathly pale, and I was helpless.”
I can’t imagine how emotionally draining it must have been to receive these prophetic dreams and visions about the future.
-Daniel is considered the Old Testament counterpart to John. God called both men “beloved” and they both wrote prophecies of the end of times.
Our Picture Book this week is:
Daniel and the Lion's Den (read by the kids)
Biblical virtue is Courage and the Sovereignty of God
Click on the image below to hear the book.
Week #39
Spoiled Rotten
The Prophet Jeremiah lived during the reign of King Josiah but when a new king took the throne, things worsened again. You can find lots of good stories about Jeremiah. There’s one about a potter you might have heard which is mentioned in our book below. There is also the story about a Rotten Belt!!!! Have I peaked your interest?
When God could no longer tolerate the people’s wicked behavior, He gave Jeremiah the following instructions.
“Take the belt you bought and are wearing around your waist, and go now and hide it there in a crevice in the rocks.” (Jeremiah 13:4)
What??! After several days, God then told him to go back to the river and take the cloth belt from its hiding place. It had rotted and was no longer good any more! God then explained to Jeremiah that the people could be compared to the rotten belt he dug up. God said the evil people were stubborn and just like the rotten belt, were good for nothing! Oh my!! I don’t want to be rotten!
God said that He desired the people to cling to Him and be bound together through Him but they had chosen instead to worship other Gods…they were just like the rotten belt!
Jeremiah was branded as a traitor because he predicted the downfall of Jerusalem. How could we ever forget about the weeping prophet? He a lonely man who was called by God to carry some sad news to the people.
Our picture book this week is:
Jeremiah and the Fall of Jerusalem By Constance Head
Biblical virtue is courage and conviction.
Click on the image below to hear the book.
Week #38
Thank God for His Word-The Bible
Some of the kings of Judah often showed weakness when they appeased the people and allowed them to worship idols. But as our Bibles tell us, there is only one true God and it is in Him and Him alone that we should place our trust. On a personal note, I don’t always like to reference good and bad kings but rather weak and strong kings. Any nation needs bold and strong leaders who don’t cave-in to the pressures around them to live in ways that are not Biblical. Even though Josiah was very young when he became king, he was a strong leader. He did not want to be weak like his father and grandfather. He wanted to lead the people back to God. During his reign the scrolls containing the Law of Moses were rediscovered and he encouraged their obedience to these laws. Does any of this sound familiar to you as we hear a plea for people to turn away from their idols and to pick up their Bibles and read God’s Word again? Can you envision a world with lost Bibles?
“Before him there was no king like him, who turned to the Lord with all his heart and with all his soul, and with all his might….." (2 Kings 23:25)
Our book this week is
“Good Little King Josiah By Mervin Marquardt
Biblical virtue: Belief in the Word of God
Click on the image below to hear the Book
Thank God for His Word-The Bible
Some of the kings of Judah often showed weakness when they appeased the people and allowed them to worship idols. But as our Bibles tell us, there is only one true God and it is in Him and Him alone that we should place our trust. On a personal note, I don’t always like to reference good and bad kings but rather weak and strong kings. Any nation needs bold and strong leaders who don’t cave-in to the pressures around them to live in ways that are not Biblical. Even though Josiah was very young when he became king, he was a strong leader. He did not want to be weak like his father and grandfather. He wanted to lead the people back to God. During his reign the scrolls containing the Law of Moses were rediscovered and he encouraged their obedience to these laws. Does any of this sound familiar to you as we hear a plea for people to turn away from their idols and to pick up their Bibles and read God’s Word again? Can you envision a world with lost Bibles?
“Before him there was no king like him, who turned to the Lord with all his heart and with all his soul, and with all his might….." (2 Kings 23:25)
Our book this week is
“Good Little King Josiah By Mervin Marquardt
Biblical virtue: Belief in the Word of God
Click on the image below to hear the Book
- Week #37
- Some Things Never Change-God Remains Faithful
- When taken as a whole, the books of the Old Testament exemplify God’s faithfulness, power, and holiness. And He remains unchanged. He continues to hear our prayers today and He delivers us from our enemies as well as our own human weakness thru His divine plan and timing.
As we read our Bibles, we understand that God allows for good and ‘not so good’ leaders in a divided nation. This week’s story is about a good king called Hezekiah. His small army in the Kingdom of Judah went up against the powerful Assyrian army. Hezekiah understood his need for a God who saves as he prayed….
“Now, Lord our God, deliver us from his hand, so that all the kingdoms of the earth may know that you alone, Lord, are Lord.” (2 Kings 19:19)
Our book this week is:
God Saves Jerusalem By Larry Burgdorf -
(Even when the enemy acquired great power and wealth, God sent His angels to destroy them. In the same way that God saved Jerusalem, He saves us still today.)
Biblical virtue is praying and believing that God still saves those who humble themselves. - (Click on the image below to hear the book.)
Week #36
With Enemies Like This, Who Needs Friends:)
The Bible tells us to always love our enemies even if we don't agree with them and their choices and even if they don't treat us with fairness and kindness. This week we are going to tell another story about the Prophet Elisha that perhaps you have never heard before. In this story the Prophet Elisha learned the way to his enemies' hearts was through their stomachs.
"Give them some food and water so they can go back to their master. So he threw a banquet for them and they ate and drank. Then he sent them back to their master. After that, no Syrian raiding parties again invaded the land of Israel (2 Kings 6:22b-23)
Enemy Pie By Derick Manson
How Enemies Became Friends By Larry Burgdorf
Click on the images below to hear the books:
Biblical virtue: Praying and learning how to love our enemies
Week #35
Makes No Sense
Can you simply trust without understanding? Can you believe without seeing? Or, do you always have to have explanations and evidence? Sometimes we are asked to believe things or do things that just don't make sense to us. I always try to seek answers especially for the children but sometimes we just don't have any simple answers to give them....we must just trust and obey.
This week's story is about an army commander named Naaman. He lived in a country where the people didn't believe in God and worshiped idols. Naaman developed a really bad skin disease and he traveled a long distance to visit the King of Israel whom he had been told would heal him. He was upset when the king just turned him away after he had traveled so far to be healed. Then he became angry when the prophet Elisha wouldn't see him either but only sent a message telling him that he should simply go wash in the dirty Jordan River seven times to be healed. He was insulted and this made no sense to him.
Unfortunately, we often don't always understand why we have to be compliant with the things we can't explain nor believe in things we can't see. The story of Naaman teaches us to simply trust and obey a powerful God who loves us and only wants the best for us.
Our book this week is:
Good News for Naaman By Lisa M. Lonzen
Click on the image below to hear the book.
Biblical virtue: Humility and Trusting in an Omnipotent God
Week #34
Seeing Beyond the Storm
There are always struggles in life but any battle is winnable through prayer and the power of an omnipotent God as long as it is within His will. This week we are going to tell the story of Jehoshaphat, one of the kings on the Kingdom of Judah. Jehoshaphat shows us the power of prayer, trusting in God and seeing beyond the storms and circumstances of what is happening around us right now. "Worship comes before the battle." Worship is a privilege and involves sacrifice and obedience but has miraculous and surprising results.
Our book this week is:
When Worship Wins By Jennifer Paul
"...For the battle is not yours, but God's." (2 Chronicles 20:15)
Click on the image below to hear the book.
Biblical virtue: Believing in the power of prayer and trusting in an omnipotent God
Week #33
Too Bad-Pouting Will Get You Nowhere!
After King Solomon, the Kingdom of Israel became divided into two separate kingdoms. There continue to be many wonderful stories to choose from but let's talk about two neighboring gardens in the Kingdom of Israel. King Ahab wanted to expand his own beautiful garden in order to grow vegetables. He tried to no avail to purchase his neighbor's vineyard garden. His arrogance led him to pout for weeks when he was not allowed to buy it no matter the cost. He and his wife became angry and made some poor choices.
Our book this week is:
Too Bad Ahab: Naboth's Vineyard By Marily Lashbrook
"I see that Ahab is now sorry for what he done. I will not cause the trouble to come to him during his life, but I will wait until his son is king." (1 Kings 21:29)
Click on the image below to hear the book.
Biblical virtue: Self-control and not allowing our self-pride or arrogance to lead us to make poor choices
Week #32
Solomon Learns to BEE Wise
Solomon, King David's son, took over the throne after his death. Solomon is attributed with the title of being the wisest man in the world. He wrote many books of the Bible including Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and Song of Solomon. As we read the scriptures, we hear a story about a time when the Queen of Sheba became so jealous of him, that she visited him to see for herself if the rumors of his great wisdom and riches were true. The scriptures tell us about Queen Sheba but our fictional book this week is a legend based on these scriptures.
"When the Queen of Sheba heard about the fame of Solomon and his relationship to the LORD, she came to test Solomon with hard questions." (1 Kings 10:1)
Our book this week is a legend of ancient Israel:
The Wisest Man in the World Retold by Benjamin Elkin
Click on the image below to hear the book.
Biblical virtue: Humility
Week #31
Bad Hair Day or a Heart for Jesus?
I just can't skip over King David, the greatest king of Israel, but at the same time, I think perhaps you have already heard all those amazing about him in the Bible over and over again. Perhaps the only new story we could mention that maybe you haven't heard is about his son Absalom who had a really bad hair day. Look it up sometime and find a kid friendly version of this story to share. It never pays off to think too highly of yourself and those beautiful locks of hair or your fancy hairdo:)
For the children this week, I decided to talk about that familiar reference to King David as a "man after God's own heart." What exactly does that mean for a child or for that matter, any of us? It is defined as a "desire to do things that make God happy and that what is important to Him, is important to you." Kids can easily repeat back to you that God lives in their heart but I often wonder if any of us truly grasp the deep meaning of this. Giving our heart to Jesus and living totally for him and not ourselves is more than just a familiar reference to King David.
"...the Lord hath sought him a man after his own heart, and the Lord hath commanded him to be captain over his people..." (1 Samuel 13:14)
Our book this week is:
A Heart for Jesus By Juanita Bynum
Click on the image below to hear the book.
Biblical virtue: Accepting God's grace and salvation despite our many poor choices
BWeek #30
Best Friends Forever
During Saul's downfall as king, David was often invited to the palace to play music to cheer up the king who was greatly troubled by his rejection by God. David and Saul's son, Jonathan, became friends. Despite the jealousy and dislike that Jonathan's father, Saul, had for David, nothing or no one could stand in the way of their friendship. Good friends are gifts from God. I thank God for all my friends.
"Then Jonathan made a covenant with David, because he loved him as his own soul." (1 Samuel 18:3) Guess that's where the expression "soul mates" originated from.
Our book this week is:
David and His Friend Jonathan By Julie Dietrich
Click on the image below to hear the book.
Biblical virtue: Love and Friendliness
Week #29
The Rejected King Saul
The story of King Saul can be a troubling section of the Bible but we can certainly harvest a few lessons by reading these stories. I always felt a little bit sorry for Saul; he was a strong military leader which was greatly needed at this time but he lacked other qualities in leadership. God always desires good strong and courageous leaders but he doesn't desire leaders who think more highly of themselves than God. Unfortunately, after Saul was anointed king by Samuel, he proved to be impatient and more interested in being the one in control than seeking after and waiting on God's will. He lacked a simple heart for God. The people had demanded a king so they could fight off the Philistines. Samuel had even warmed them that they would suffer loss of some individual personal freedoms. They got what they asked for but Saul's rise to this position led him to have an inflated ego and he often overstepped his boundaries. He frustrated Samuel and disappointed God. He was later rejected by God and sadly spent the rest of his reign in fear and confusion.
Today we chose leaders but these leaders must first and foremost always understand that the Lord and His will and His Word is the ultimate authority in life. God wants us to have confidence in Him and the courage to do His will but not pride in ourselves. As for the kids, the lesson is more about obedience and understanding that God's will is not always convenient and sometimes seems unreasonable.
Our book this week is:
King Hugo's Huge Ego By Chris Van Dusen
Click on the image below to hear the book.
Biblical virtue: Humility
The Rejected King Saul
The story of King Saul can be a troubling section of the Bible but we can certainly harvest a few lessons by reading these stories. I always felt a little bit sorry for Saul; he was a strong military leader which was greatly needed at this time but he lacked other qualities in leadership. God always desires good strong and courageous leaders but he doesn't desire leaders who think more highly of themselves than God. Unfortunately, after Saul was anointed king by Samuel, he proved to be impatient and more interested in being the one in control than seeking after and waiting on God's will. He lacked a simple heart for God. The people had demanded a king so they could fight off the Philistines. Samuel had even warmed them that they would suffer loss of some individual personal freedoms. They got what they asked for but Saul's rise to this position led him to have an inflated ego and he often overstepped his boundaries. He frustrated Samuel and disappointed God. He was later rejected by God and sadly spent the rest of his reign in fear and confusion.
Today we chose leaders but these leaders must first and foremost always understand that the Lord and His will and His Word is the ultimate authority in life. God wants us to have confidence in Him and the courage to do His will but not pride in ourselves. As for the kids, the lesson is more about obedience and understanding that God's will is not always convenient and sometimes seems unreasonable.
Our book this week is:
King Hugo's Huge Ego By Chris Van Dusen
Click on the image below to hear the book.
Biblical virtue: Humility
Week #28
The Stolen Ark
This week let's talk about a wonderful story in the Book of Samuel that perhaps you have never heard. The Israelites often carried the Ark of the Covenant (which contained the tablets with the Ten Commandments) into battle with them. It made them feel close to God and they felt protected; however, it was once stolen from them by the enemy and lots of really bad booboos happened to those who stole it. It remained in the hands of the enemy for seven months, and was moved from city to city within the enemy territory. It always brought bad luck and destruction everywhere it was moved so eventually the enemy decided they didn't want to be around it anymore and harnessed cows to a cart with the Ark. And, you know what happened? Those cows went straight for Israelite territory led only by the spirit!! "The cows went straight in the direction...they turned neither to the right nor to the left....The cart came into the field of Joshua and stopped there." (1 Samuel 5:12-14) So what's the lesson? For kids, let's go with the following simple message: Do not take things that don't belong to you. That's actually one of the Ten Commandments.
Our book this week is:
Stop Thief! By Robert Kalan
Click on the link below to hear the book.
Biblical virtue: Honesty
The Stolen Ark
This week let's talk about a wonderful story in the Book of Samuel that perhaps you have never heard. The Israelites often carried the Ark of the Covenant (which contained the tablets with the Ten Commandments) into battle with them. It made them feel close to God and they felt protected; however, it was once stolen from them by the enemy and lots of really bad booboos happened to those who stole it. It remained in the hands of the enemy for seven months, and was moved from city to city within the enemy territory. It always brought bad luck and destruction everywhere it was moved so eventually the enemy decided they didn't want to be around it anymore and harnessed cows to a cart with the Ark. And, you know what happened? Those cows went straight for Israelite territory led only by the spirit!! "The cows went straight in the direction...they turned neither to the right nor to the left....The cart came into the field of Joshua and stopped there." (1 Samuel 5:12-14) So what's the lesson? For kids, let's go with the following simple message: Do not take things that don't belong to you. That's actually one of the Ten Commandments.
Our book this week is:
Stop Thief! By Robert Kalan
Click on the link below to hear the book.
Biblical virtue: Honesty
Week #27
Wake Up Call
After the Book of Judges we come to the stories of Samuel. Samuel is referred by some as another judge but I like to think of him as a prophet. He was called by Go to anoint the first king of a still United Israel which we will talk about next week. (King Saul) The people were demanding a king to help them fight against the attacks of their enemies. Most of you know the story of Samuel. What are some things that might not know about Samuel?
-Like the mighty Samson last week, Samuel never cut his hair.
-Samuel is one of eight people in the Bible that God calls by name twice. Remember, that means God has a special mission for him.
-Samuel is remembered for his great prayers.
Our book this week is:
The Lord Calls Samuel By Susan Hammond
"Then the Lord called Samuel. Samuel answered, 'Here I am." (1 Samuel 3:4)
Click on the image below to hear this book.
Biblical virtue: Responsibility
Wake Up Call
After the Book of Judges we come to the stories of Samuel. Samuel is referred by some as another judge but I like to think of him as a prophet. He was called by Go to anoint the first king of a still United Israel which we will talk about next week. (King Saul) The people were demanding a king to help them fight against the attacks of their enemies. Most of you know the story of Samuel. What are some things that might not know about Samuel?
-Like the mighty Samson last week, Samuel never cut his hair.
-Samuel is one of eight people in the Bible that God calls by name twice. Remember, that means God has a special mission for him.
-Samuel is remembered for his great prayers.
Our book this week is:
The Lord Calls Samuel By Susan Hammond
"Then the Lord called Samuel. Samuel answered, 'Here I am." (1 Samuel 3:4)
Click on the image below to hear this book.
Biblical virtue: Responsibility
fWeek #26
Against All Odds-Gideon and Samson
God works in miraculous ways and often against all odds or human reasoning. Who could imagine the teeny tiny army of Gideon would be able to be victorious or who could have imagined a blind man like Samson being led by a small child to eventually defeat the enemy in an unexpected way at the temple? Sometimes the things that seem the smallest, weakest, and most unexpected are the strongest through the power of an Almighty God. It is important that we believe in a sovereign God who is in control. This week pray for a miracle through the power of an omnipotent God. Our Flip book this week includes stories of both Samson and Gideon.
Samson By Victoria Kovacs
Gideon By Victoria Kovacs
Click on the images below to hear the books.
Biblical virtue: Courage
Week #25
Judges and the Vicious Cycles
After Joshua died, he surprisingly did not appoint a predecessor. Wonder why? At any rate, this begins the years of the Biblical judges and the vicious cycles of sin-oppression-rescue. The best definition of a Biblical judge is someone raised up BY GOD who saved the people of Israel during one of these many cycles. Many of these stories about judges are hard to read to kids. However, we must remember that there is "moral value in tragic literature". Even though we can't take the "Bible as a divine behavior manual", the lives of the judges are all valuable teaching models. Go gently with the kids and be prepared to answer a lot of questions about some bad behaviors and lots of really bad booboos. Concentrate on how they were used by God and how they were brave and courageous. There was only one female judge and her name was Deborah. Not everyone has heard of Deborah so let's highlight her with our book this week:
Deborah and the Very Big Battle By Tim Thornborough
Click on the image below to hear the book.
Biblical virtue: Courage
Week #24
The Day the Sun Stood Still
Before we leave Joshua, I wanted to include this often forgotten story about the day the sun stood still. "Once upon a time" (gotta love stories that begin that way) Joshua was fighting a battle and he did not believe that the day was long enough and there wasn't enough time to destroy the enemy so he spoke to the sun and moon and commanded them to stand still. And they did!! WOW! "On the day the Lord gave the Amorites over to Israel, Joshua said to the Lord in the presence of Israel, 'O sun, stand still over Gibeon O moon, over the Valley Of Aijaon. So the sun stood still and the moon stopped.....(Joshua 10:12-13a) This is the only time ever recorded where God caused the sun to actually stand still! We have an awesome God who always wants us to be victorious and there is always miraculous hope through His great power. When we claim this power of God, we can move mountains. "Wherever there is a heart that love the light and holds a place for hope, in that heart the sun is always rising."
Our picture book this week is:
Where the Sunrise Begins By Douglas Wood
Click on the image below to hear the book.
Biblical virtue: Belief in an All-Powerful God
The Day the Sun Stood Still
Before we leave Joshua, I wanted to include this often forgotten story about the day the sun stood still. "Once upon a time" (gotta love stories that begin that way) Joshua was fighting a battle and he did not believe that the day was long enough and there wasn't enough time to destroy the enemy so he spoke to the sun and moon and commanded them to stand still. And they did!! WOW! "On the day the Lord gave the Amorites over to Israel, Joshua said to the Lord in the presence of Israel, 'O sun, stand still over Gibeon O moon, over the Valley Of Aijaon. So the sun stood still and the moon stopped.....(Joshua 10:12-13a) This is the only time ever recorded where God caused the sun to actually stand still! We have an awesome God who always wants us to be victorious and there is always miraculous hope through His great power. When we claim this power of God, we can move mountains. "Wherever there is a heart that love the light and holds a place for hope, in that heart the sun is always rising."
Our picture book this week is:
Where the Sunrise Begins By Douglas Wood
Click on the image below to hear the book.
Biblical virtue: Belief in an All-Powerful God
Week #23
The Buried Sin
The Buried Sin
Moses appointed Joshua to lead the people into the Promised Land. He might be considered a judge by some but I chose to consider him more as a military leader/hero appointed by Moses and blessed by God. There are many wonderful stories about Joshua. I will try and choose one you have never heard of before. Have you ever heard about the buried sin? Sometimes children (and adults) might try and hide their mistakes or bad choices from teachers and parents (even though the look is usually all over their sweet little faces.) You can usually tell they are trying to hide something but we all know that we can't ever hide from God. I will tell you about this story that is in the Biblical scriptures at the beginning of our video and then we can listen to our picture book for this week.
"...they have violated my covenant, which I commanded them to keep. They have taken some of the devoted things. (Joshua 7:11)
Our book this week is:
You Wouldn't Love Me If You Knew By Jeannie St. John Taylor
Click on the image below to hear our book.
Biblical virtue: Reverence for an Almighty God who loves us so much and our obedience to His will
"...they have violated my covenant, which I commanded them to keep. They have taken some of the devoted things. (Joshua 7:11)
Our book this week is:
You Wouldn't Love Me If You Knew By Jeannie St. John Taylor
Click on the image below to hear our book.
Biblical virtue: Reverence for an Almighty God who loves us so much and our obedience to His will
Week #22
The Last Journey of Moses
The Last Journey of Moses
It’s sad to talk about death and dying with children but it is part of life so I couldn’t avoid this opportunity to mention Moses’ final farewell to the people. Before Moses' death, he divided the land among the tribes. He gave a tearful speech to the people before going away on his own to the top of a mountain. I can envision him looking out over the Promised Land which lay in front of him and dreaming of that day very soon when Joshua would lead his people over into Canaan. "Then the Lord said.....I have let you see it with your eyes, but you will not cross over into it." (Deuteronomy 34:4) But as he went to sleep he dreamed even more as God carried his spirit to an even better land than Canaan called heaven. Hard as it might be, take the time to talk with the kids (when and if they have quesions) about death and farewells. It’s part of life from the death of that sweet goldfish, to our beloved pets, to our cherished family. (and yes, images and news they might hear about at school or on TV)
Our book this week is:
Bear’s Final Journey By Udo Weigelt
Click on the image below to listen to the book.
Our book this week is:
Bear’s Final Journey By Udo Weigelt
Click on the image below to listen to the book.
WEEK #21
Talking animals
As the hearts of the Israelites were slowly changed with newer generations, God continued to protect them more and more from many enemies. It became clear to everyone around them that they were favored by God as they continued to march forward and win more and more battles. Now, there was only one more obstacle between them and their promised land. This king of Moab was very intimidated by them and their favored position with God and he greatly feared defeat, He tried to bribe Balaam to put a curse (wish that bad things would happen) on them so he would not be defeated. Our story and our picture book this week are about a man named Balaam and his talking donkey. The kids will love it! This is only the second time in scripture we encounter a talking animal, the first being the snake in the Garden of Eden.
God can be pretty creative in His desires and efforts to protect us against making mistakes guide us along our way. There are many lessons to be learned from this Biblical story including greed, compromising our faith, and the determined will of an Awesome God. Have fun reading or listening to this story:
Our picture book is:
When God Made Balaam's Donkey Talk By Evelyn Marxhansen
Numbers 22:38
“ Balaam replied. “But I can’t say whatever I please. I must speak only what God puts in my mouth.”
Click on the image below to listen to the book.
Biblical virtue: Faithfulness in an all-powerful God who can even make animals talk
WEEK #20
Moses doesn't listen
Listening and following directions is so important. There is a story in the Bible about a time when Moses did not listen to God’s instructions. God told him to speak to a rock and water would flow out of the rock. Instead, he struck the rock. Because he did not follow directions, God did not allow him to cross over into the Land of Canaan. It is interesting to note that in Exodus Moses obeyed God by striking the rock but in Numbers he disobeyed God when he struck the rock. It is important to always follow directions carefully. Obedience is an important virtue.
Our picture book this week is:
Howard Wigglebottom Learns to Listen
By Howard Binkow, Reverend Ana, and Susan R. Cornelison
"But the Lord said to Moses and Aaron, 'Because you did not trust me enough to demonstrate my holiness to the people of Israel, you will not lead them into the land I am giving them." (Numbers 20:6)
Click on the image below to listen to the book
Biblical virtue: Obedience
Moses doesn't listen
Listening and following directions is so important. There is a story in the Bible about a time when Moses did not listen to God’s instructions. God told him to speak to a rock and water would flow out of the rock. Instead, he struck the rock. Because he did not follow directions, God did not allow him to cross over into the Land of Canaan. It is interesting to note that in Exodus Moses obeyed God by striking the rock but in Numbers he disobeyed God when he struck the rock. It is important to always follow directions carefully. Obedience is an important virtue.
Our picture book this week is:
Howard Wigglebottom Learns to Listen
By Howard Binkow, Reverend Ana, and Susan R. Cornelison
"But the Lord said to Moses and Aaron, 'Because you did not trust me enough to demonstrate my holiness to the people of Israel, you will not lead them into the land I am giving them." (Numbers 20:6)
Click on the image below to listen to the book
Biblical virtue: Obedience
WEEK #19
The rod that spouted
How exciting to make the team! But, how quickly we learn that there are many positions on a team and some carry more clout than others. Wonder how that lonely guy feels out in left field when the camera's focus is constantly on the pitcher and catcher. We can't all be pitchers. A similar thing happened in the Old Testament. God had chosen the men who would be priests from the Tribe of Levi. Some others in the same tribe were not chosen to do these elevated duties and they became angry and jealous. "
"What right do you have to act as though you were greater than the rest of the Lord's people?"
Numbers 16:3b
We should always pray for our leaders and never consider ourselves and our ideas better than theirs. We should always respect the institution and pray those in leadership but never forget that our God is ultimately the one we should answer to.
Our picture book this week is:
Pick Me! By Greg Gormley
(Click on image below to hear book)
Biblical virtue: Humility
WEEK #19
The rod that spouted
How exciting to make the team! But, how quickly we learn that there are many positions on a team and some carry more clout than others. Wonder how that lonely guy feels out in left field when the camera's focus is constantly on the pitcher and catcher. We can't all be pitchers. A similar thing happened in the Old Testament. God had chosen the men who would be priests from the Tribe of Levi. Some others in the same tribe were not chosen to do these elevated duties and they became angry and jealous. "
"What right do you have to act as though you were greater than the rest of the Lord's people?"
Numbers 16:3b
We should always pray for our leaders and never consider ourselves and our ideas better than theirs. We should always respect the institution and pray those in leadership but never forget that our God is ultimately the one we should answer to.
Our picture book this week is:
Pick Me! By Greg Gormley
(Click on image below to hear book)
Biblical virtue: Humility
WEEK #18
Postponed AGAIN!
I have heard a lot about flights being postponed lately. People are forced to wander around in airports for hours before they can finally board a flight to their final destination. These delays are a big frustration if you aren't good at waiting. Do you remember when the Israelites were getting ready to cross over into the land of Canaan. God decided they were not ready and they had to wait and wander for another 40 years in the desert?
"And your children will be like shepherds, wandering in the wilderness for forty years. In this way, they will pay for your faithlessness...."
Numbers 14:33
What’s the lesson here? All things happen within God's timing. Sometimes we have to be willing to wait and meditate on knowing from whom all things come. And, remember that there is something wonderful at the end. This is the second time we have talked about waiting. The first time several weeks ago was when the people became angry when Moses didn’t come down from the mountain. We talked about patience and self control. Today we have another lesson to learn from waiting. We can't have too many lessons about waiting especially as we continue to wait for revival and the second coming of Jesus.
Waiting By Kevin Henkes
(Click on image below to hear book)
Biblical virtue: Trusting in God and being content with His timing
WEEK #17
Manna and the Tamerisk Tree
God has always provided our needs! He continues to give us exactly what we need. We teach our children “The Lord’s Prayer” and how to ask for “our daily bread”. We discuss “wants versus needs”.
As the Israelite people wandered in the desert, they began to grumble as they dreamed of all the cucumbers, melons, leeks, onions, garlic, and fish they left behind in Egypt. Sounds to me like being on a road-trip with a long stretch of highway where there are no McDonalds or Chick-Fil-a’s in sight! But God has always loved His people and He even found a way to feed the Israelite people in the middle of the desert by providing manna.
"The people went about and gathered it and ground it in handmills or beat it in mortars and boiled it in pots and made cakes of it. And the taste of it was like the taste of cakes baked with oil."
Numbers 11:8
What is this thing called “manna”? Where did it come from? I would love to share this with you and you can fit the pieces together and decide for yourself. Remember the Tamarisk tree that Abraham planted as a sign of God’s promise back in Week #9 ? Did you know that this same tree produces an edible white honey like substance that is called manna on its stems. How fascinating is that?!
God has promised to always provide for us. Remind the kids of God’s amazing creation and how much He loves them and will always provide their needs. Sometimes He does this in very creative ways!
I Know Jesus Loves Me By P.K. Halinan
(Click on image below to hear book)
Biblical virtue: Trusting in God
WEEK #16 -
Happy Easter
Below are some Easter books to enjoy this week
Twas the Morning of Easter By Glenys Nellist
The Legend of the Easter Robin By Dandi Daley Mackall
What is Easter? By Phil Vischer
Easter Bunny's Amazing Day By Carol Benoist
Little Mole Finds Hope By Glenys Nellist
God Gave Us Easter By Lisa Tawn Bergren
The Legend of Jellybean and the Unbreakable Egg By Joe Troiano
Happy Easter
Below are some Easter books to enjoy this week
Twas the Morning of Easter By Glenys Nellist
The Legend of the Easter Robin By Dandi Daley Mackall
What is Easter? By Phil Vischer
Easter Bunny's Amazing Day By Carol Benoist
Little Mole Finds Hope By Glenys Nellist
God Gave Us Easter By Lisa Tawn Bergren
The Legend of Jellybean and the Unbreakable Egg By Joe Troiano
WEEK #15
Tabernacles and the Nearness of God
We all yearn to feel a closeness to God. Remind your children and grandchildren that God is only a prayer away from them. God isn't far away in space nor is He too busy to spend time with each one of us. The Israelites wanted to feel this closeness to God too - a visible sign of His presence as they traveled in the desert. This is why God instructed Moses to build the first Tabernacle. Now God could live among the people.
"The cloud of the Lord hovered over the Tabernacle during the day and at night fire glowed inside the cloud so the whole family of Israel could see it."
Exodus 40:38
The Tabernacle was portable and traveled with them. After the people settle in Canaan they would build more permanent builds called temples. We don't have to have structures to be close to God but nevertheless, it bring us great comfort to feel the presence of God.
Where Does God Live? By Holly Bea
Biblical virtue: Faith to believe in the presence of God
Tabernacles and the Nearness of God
We all yearn to feel a closeness to God. Remind your children and grandchildren that God is only a prayer away from them. God isn't far away in space nor is He too busy to spend time with each one of us. The Israelites wanted to feel this closeness to God too - a visible sign of His presence as they traveled in the desert. This is why God instructed Moses to build the first Tabernacle. Now God could live among the people.
"The cloud of the Lord hovered over the Tabernacle during the day and at night fire glowed inside the cloud so the whole family of Israel could see it."
Exodus 40:38
The Tabernacle was portable and traveled with them. After the people settle in Canaan they would build more permanent builds called temples. We don't have to have structures to be close to God but nevertheless, it bring us great comfort to feel the presence of God.
Where Does God Live? By Holly Bea
Biblical virtue: Faith to believe in the presence of God
WEEK #14
Impatience and the Golden Calf
The first Biblical reference to impatience is found in stories from Exodus. The Israelite people became very impatient when Moses did not come down from the mountain with the Ten Commandments. Their impatience caused them to grumble and complain and eventually make some really bad choices. They started building golden idols as a result. The existence of these idols are often discredited by some but did you know that one such idol was actually found in 1990? Definitely golden calf idols existed and definitely impatience has become a real issue in our world today. Our impatience can also cause us to turn to idols for instant gratification. Be patient and wait on the truth to reveal itself. Don't draw spontaneous conclusions from what you see, hear, or feel. God will reveal himself in time. Patience is a virtue and a gift from the spirit. Teach your children the value of waiting. Play games that require patience.
Waiting Is Not Easy By Mo Willems
"When the people saw that Moses was so long in coming down from the mountain, they gathered around Aaron and said, 'Come make us gods who will go before us."
Exodus 32:1
Biblical virtue: Patience
Impatience and the Golden Calf
The first Biblical reference to impatience is found in stories from Exodus. The Israelite people became very impatient when Moses did not come down from the mountain with the Ten Commandments. Their impatience caused them to grumble and complain and eventually make some really bad choices. They started building golden idols as a result. The existence of these idols are often discredited by some but did you know that one such idol was actually found in 1990? Definitely golden calf idols existed and definitely impatience has become a real issue in our world today. Our impatience can also cause us to turn to idols for instant gratification. Be patient and wait on the truth to reveal itself. Don't draw spontaneous conclusions from what you see, hear, or feel. God will reveal himself in time. Patience is a virtue and a gift from the spirit. Teach your children the value of waiting. Play games that require patience.
Waiting Is Not Easy By Mo Willems
"When the people saw that Moses was so long in coming down from the mountain, they gathered around Aaron and said, 'Come make us gods who will go before us."
Exodus 32:1
Biblical virtue: Patience
WEEK #13
God-Our Loving Warrior
As we read and travel through scripture into Exodus and further into this period of history in the Bible, we will begin to read stories of battle after battle, where God is represented more and more as a warrior. Many people do not like to think of God in this way and perhaps skip over this part of His Word. Still there are some amazing stories and we can harvest many lessons by carefully plowing through each battle. Kids love these stories of heroes. Sadly many choose to not study these. How can peace and war exist together? How can a loving God hate anything? Unfortunately we don't like to think about God as being a warrior but nevertheless, it is very true and yes, even children need to know this truth.
Will-God's Mighty Warrior By Sheila Walsh
"The Lord is my strength and song, and He has become my salvation; this is my God, and I will praise Him; my father's God, and I will extol Him. The Lord is a warrior, the Lord is His name."
Exodus 15:2-3
Biblical virtue: Responsibility and Courage
God-Our Loving Warrior
As we read and travel through scripture into Exodus and further into this period of history in the Bible, we will begin to read stories of battle after battle, where God is represented more and more as a warrior. Many people do not like to think of God in this way and perhaps skip over this part of His Word. Still there are some amazing stories and we can harvest many lessons by carefully plowing through each battle. Kids love these stories of heroes. Sadly many choose to not study these. How can peace and war exist together? How can a loving God hate anything? Unfortunately we don't like to think about God as being a warrior but nevertheless, it is very true and yes, even children need to know this truth.
Will-God's Mighty Warrior By Sheila Walsh
"The Lord is my strength and song, and He has become my salvation; this is my God, and I will praise Him; my father's God, and I will extol Him. The Lord is a warrior, the Lord is His name."
Exodus 15:2-3
Biblical virtue: Responsibility and Courage
WEEK #12
Basket or Manger-Born to save
Moses exemplified great faith in God when he led the people out of slavery. He understood his role in being the hands and feet of an Almighty God who held the blueprints of his life. Still, he might hold a record for the most excuses of why he wan't qualified for the task. I love the wonderful stories of Moses and it is hard to pick just one, so let's think about his entire life as part of God's story to save man. God's love story didn't stop with Moses but continued through the life of Jesus and is still the greatest love story of all. Have you ever compared the life of Moses with the life of Jesus? Both were used to carry out God's continuous plan to save mankind.
Saved by the Lamb-Moses and Jesus By Maura Roan McKeegan
"And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, so must the Son of man be lifted up, that whoever believes in him may have eternal life."
John 23:14-15
Basket or Manger-Born to save
Moses exemplified great faith in God when he led the people out of slavery. He understood his role in being the hands and feet of an Almighty God who held the blueprints of his life. Still, he might hold a record for the most excuses of why he wan't qualified for the task. I love the wonderful stories of Moses and it is hard to pick just one, so let's think about his entire life as part of God's story to save man. God's love story didn't stop with Moses but continued through the life of Jesus and is still the greatest love story of all. Have you ever compared the life of Moses with the life of Jesus? Both were used to carry out God's continuous plan to save mankind.
Saved by the Lamb-Moses and Jesus By Maura Roan McKeegan
"And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, so must the Son of man be lifted up, that whoever believes in him may have eternal life."
John 23:14-15
WEEK #11
Joseph and the Blame Game
The three greatest stories of forgiveness in the Bible are Joseph's mistreatment by his brothers, the crucifixion of Jesus, and the stoning of Stephen. In a world where everyone plays the blame game, maybe we could all learn a valuable lesson from these stories. We should always teach our children that we never win when we blame each other. Even when things are hurtful, we can't fix it by hurting others back or calling them names.
The Rag Coat By Lauren Mills
"Joseph refused to stand in judgement of them and assured them that they were forgiven. He offered them kindness."
Genesis 50:21
Biblical virtue: Forgiveness
Joseph and the Blame Game
The three greatest stories of forgiveness in the Bible are Joseph's mistreatment by his brothers, the crucifixion of Jesus, and the stoning of Stephen. In a world where everyone plays the blame game, maybe we could all learn a valuable lesson from these stories. We should always teach our children that we never win when we blame each other. Even when things are hurtful, we can't fix it by hurting others back or calling them names.
The Rag Coat By Lauren Mills
"Joseph refused to stand in judgement of them and assured them that they were forgiven. He offered them kindness."
Genesis 50:21
Biblical virtue: Forgiveness
WEEK #10
That's my name!
Kids love to tell you their name. They are always excited to find their names written on cubbies at school or monogrammed on things. Names are indeed special to all ages. Biblical names determine someone's purpose. And, if God spoke some's name twice, it meant He had a big special purpose for them. Examples of name changes were Abram to Abraham, Sarai to Sarah, and now Jacob to Israel. Can you think of others? Jacob had struggled with his identity since his birth. He tried to overtake his twin brother at birth and he continued to yearn for his personal identity. God gave him a new purpose. Even thought the words of the Bible continued to call him Jacob, this name change indicated that he now is recognized in a new way now.
God Know My Name By Debby Anderson
"God said to him, 'Your name is Jacob, but you will no longer be called Jacob; you name will be Israel. So he named him Israel."
Genesis 25:10
That's my name!
Kids love to tell you their name. They are always excited to find their names written on cubbies at school or monogrammed on things. Names are indeed special to all ages. Biblical names determine someone's purpose. And, if God spoke some's name twice, it meant He had a big special purpose for them. Examples of name changes were Abram to Abraham, Sarai to Sarah, and now Jacob to Israel. Can you think of others? Jacob had struggled with his identity since his birth. He tried to overtake his twin brother at birth and he continued to yearn for his personal identity. God gave him a new purpose. Even thought the words of the Bible continued to call him Jacob, this name change indicated that he now is recognized in a new way now.
God Know My Name By Debby Anderson
"God said to him, 'Your name is Jacob, but you will no longer be called Jacob; you name will be Israel. So he named him Israel."
Genesis 25:10
WEEK #9 -
Abraham and the Tamarisk tree
Of all those stories about Abraham, Lot, Sarah, and Isaac, have you ever associated this Biblical patriarch with trees? There is an interesting reference through the scripture to a particular kind of tree.
"Then Abraham planted a tamarisk a tree in Beersheba, and there he worshipped the Lord, the Etermal God."
Genesis 21:33
Abraham planted this evergreen tree to symbolize his covenant with God for his descendants. Because Abraham always walked closely with the Lord through many family conflicts, it doesn't surprise us that he would plant this type of tree as a memorial to an everlasting Lord. It all seems to tie in perfectly to a sweet conversation about Father Abraham. Remember that God has made many promises in the Bible and He has never broken a single one. We can trust him just as Abraham trusted him always through all seasons of his life.
Pine and the Winter Sparrow Retold by Alexis York Lombard
Biblical virtue: Trusting in God's Promises thru all seasons
Abraham and the Tamarisk tree
Of all those stories about Abraham, Lot, Sarah, and Isaac, have you ever associated this Biblical patriarch with trees? There is an interesting reference through the scripture to a particular kind of tree.
"Then Abraham planted a tamarisk a tree in Beersheba, and there he worshipped the Lord, the Etermal God."
Genesis 21:33
Abraham planted this evergreen tree to symbolize his covenant with God for his descendants. Because Abraham always walked closely with the Lord through many family conflicts, it doesn't surprise us that he would plant this type of tree as a memorial to an everlasting Lord. It all seems to tie in perfectly to a sweet conversation about Father Abraham. Remember that God has made many promises in the Bible and He has never broken a single one. We can trust him just as Abraham trusted him always through all seasons of his life.
Pine and the Winter Sparrow Retold by Alexis York Lombard
Biblical virtue: Trusting in God's Promises thru all seasons
Job and the Dinosaurs
There is much we could discuss about Job but let's open the door to some new thoughts. A verse in Job mentions a huge and monstrous creature like a dinosaur that was created by God at the same time as man (Day 6) Some people challenge the Bible's story of Creation and the dinosaurs are often used to discredit the truth of God's word. I desire with all my heart to proclaim the truth of the scripture, taken in the right context and will always defend its validity in a kind and loving way.
Dinosaurs, Stars of the Show By Amie Zordel
"Behold now behemoth, which I made with thee."
Job 40:15
Biblical virtue: Faith and Trusting in God's Word
Why the Tower of Babel was never finished
A Bible story that the kids may or may not know about is the story of the Tower of Babel. After the flood, the people decided to build a tall, tall tower but the tower wasn't the only thing that grew. Their pride in themselves and their work caused they to forget about God. How often in our world today do we exalt ourselves in confronting an issue through our actions and knowledge and not even as much as mention God's name or give any glory to Him? Have we forgotten about the power and love of God?
The Tower By Paul Evans
"Then they said, 'Come let us build ourselves a city, with a tower that reaches the heavens, so that we may make a name for ourselves."
Genesis 11:4
Biblical virtue: Humility
Why the Tower of Babel was never finished
A Bible story that the kids may or may not know about is the story of the Tower of Babel. After the flood, the people decided to build a tall, tall tower but the tower wasn't the only thing that grew. Their pride in themselves and their work caused they to forget about God. How often in our world today do we exalt ourselves in confronting an issue through our actions and knowledge and not even as much as mention God's name or give any glory to Him? Have we forgotten about the power and love of God?
The Tower By Paul Evans
"Then they said, 'Come let us build ourselves a city, with a tower that reaches the heavens, so that we may make a name for ourselves."
Genesis 11:4
Biblical virtue: Humility
Noah's wife and her green thumb
Most kids know about Noah but have they ever heard about his wife? She isn't talked about a lot in scripture. The most popular name mentioned is Naamah. It is interesting to note that over 100 names have been attributed to her so we can't be sure which one is correct. Even though we can't be positive of her name, we do know that she was on the ark and she survived the flood. We don't know specifically about her character either but it is hard to fathom that she didn't assist Noah during this incredible journey. Let's put on our imaginary hats and consider that perhaps she was in charge of the plants. Now there is an image! We must assume that much of the vegetation came back naturally after the flood waters subsided; however, it is fun to think perhaps of her possible role in preserving the beauty of the gardens, while Noah was busy rounding up all those animals.
Mrs. Noah's Vegetable Ark By Elena Pasquali
"He went on board to escape the flood - he and his wife and his sons and their wives."
(Genesis 7:7)
Biblical virtue: Responsibility
Noah's wife and her green thumb
Most kids know about Noah but have they ever heard about his wife? She isn't talked about a lot in scripture. The most popular name mentioned is Naamah. It is interesting to note that over 100 names have been attributed to her so we can't be sure which one is correct. Even though we can't be positive of her name, we do know that she was on the ark and she survived the flood. We don't know specifically about her character either but it is hard to fathom that she didn't assist Noah during this incredible journey. Let's put on our imaginary hats and consider that perhaps she was in charge of the plants. Now there is an image! We must assume that much of the vegetation came back naturally after the flood waters subsided; however, it is fun to think perhaps of her possible role in preserving the beauty of the gardens, while Noah was busy rounding up all those animals.
Mrs. Noah's Vegetable Ark By Elena Pasquali
"He went on board to escape the flood - he and his wife and his sons and their wives."
(Genesis 7:7)
Biblical virtue: Responsibility
Make a Joyful Noise
When we think of music and the Bible, we immediately think about David and the Psalms but music was actually mentioned much earlier. The very first musicn mentioned in the Bible was Jubal and the first verse about music ws fro Genesis.
"....the first of all who played the harp and flute. Jubal, ws a descendant of Cain."
Genesis 4:21
Music is healing. It touches our heart, motivates our will, and givs flight to our soul. Music says things that words cannot say and music speaks to us differently.
The First Song Ever Sung By Laura Krauss Meimed
Biblical Virtue: Creativity and Thanksgiving
Make a Joyful Noise
When we think of music and the Bible, we immediately think about David and the Psalms but music was actually mentioned much earlier. The very first musicn mentioned in the Bible was Jubal and the first verse about music ws fro Genesis.
"....the first of all who played the harp and flute. Jubal, ws a descendant of Cain."
Genesis 4:21
Music is healing. It touches our heart, motivates our will, and givs flight to our soul. Music says things that words cannot say and music speaks to us differently.
The First Song Ever Sung By Laura Krauss Meimed
Biblical Virtue: Creativity and Thanksgiving
Brotherly Love
Most of us have heard of Cain and Abel-the first story of sibling rivalry. The Bible doesn't say and we can only speculate why God didn't accept Cain's gift. We don't always understand the "whys" in life; however, we can believe that God loves us all equally. Often tings seem unequal and that's often when emotions happen. The challenge for us is not to react to these emotions in a sinful way. God told Cain, "sin is eager to control you. You must be it's master."
I Love You the Purplest By Barbara M. Joosse
"You will be accepted if you do what is right. But, if you refuse to do what is right then watch out! Sin is crouching at the door, eager to control you. But you must subdue it and be it's master."
Genesis 4:6
Biblical virtue: Self-control
Brotherly Love
Most of us have heard of Cain and Abel-the first story of sibling rivalry. The Bible doesn't say and we can only speculate why God didn't accept Cain's gift. We don't always understand the "whys" in life; however, we can believe that God loves us all equally. Often tings seem unequal and that's often when emotions happen. The challenge for us is not to react to these emotions in a sinful way. God told Cain, "sin is eager to control you. You must be it's master."
I Love You the Purplest By Barbara M. Joosse
"You will be accepted if you do what is right. But, if you refuse to do what is right then watch out! Sin is crouching at the door, eager to control you. But you must subdue it and be it's master."
Genesis 4:6
Biblical virtue: Self-control
WEEK #3 - The First Sunset in the Garden
Can you fathom what was going through the minds of Adam and Eve when they saw the first sunset? After all, God had left them in the garden to tend and watch over it. Nevertheless, it was God who was in control and He had a plan.
Adam and Eve's First Sunset By Sandy Eisenberg Sasso
"The Lord God place the man in the Garden of Eden to tend and watch over it." (Genesis 2:15)
Biblical Virtue: Peace and contentment in knowing God, who created the Earth and has a divine plan.
Lions, Elephants, and Birds-Oh my!
Indeed elephants are not birds. God created them on separate days of creation.
Elephants Are Not Birds By Ashley St. Clair
"God created great sea creatures and every living thing that scurries and swarms in the water, and every sort of bird-each producing offspring of the same kind. And God saw that it was good" (Genesis 1:20)
"Then God said, "Let the earth produce every sort of animal, each producing offspring of the same kind." (Genesis 1:24)
Biblical virtue: Faith in God's Living Word - The Bible
Lions, Elephants, and Birds-Oh my!
Indeed elephants are not birds. God created them on separate days of creation.
Elephants Are Not Birds By Ashley St. Clair
"God created great sea creatures and every living thing that scurries and swarms in the water, and every sort of bird-each producing offspring of the same kind. And God saw that it was good" (Genesis 1:20)
"Then God said, "Let the earth produce every sort of animal, each producing offspring of the same kind." (Genesis 1:24)
Biblical virtue: Faith in God's Living Word - The Bible
IN THE BEGINNING............
God started with absolutely nothing and created an earth without form. There was only water and darkness. Then He created the light to overcome the darkness. Did you know that God created light on the first day but didn't create the sun until the fourth day?
The Creation (text from Jerusalem Bible)
"in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was formless and empty and darkness covered the deep waters. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the surface of the waters. (Genesis 1:1-2)
Biblical virtue: Reverence for an Almighty God and Powerful God
IN THE BEGINNING............
God started with absolutely nothing and created an earth without form. There was only water and darkness. Then He created the light to overcome the darkness. Did you know that God created light on the first day but didn't create the sun until the fourth day?
The Creation (text from Jerusalem Bible)
"in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was formless and empty and darkness covered the deep waters. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the surface of the waters. (Genesis 1:1-2)
Biblical virtue: Reverence for an Almighty God and Powerful God
....There is faith in their eyes,
Love in their touch
And hope in their attitude.
....I thrill with them at life's joy's
Run with them through tall grasses
And bow with them in worship.
....They are the fragile dream of yesterday,
Life's radiant reality of today
And the vibrant vision of tomorrow.
(taken from
....There is faith in their eyes,
Love in their touch
And hope in their attitude.
....I thrill with them at life's joy's
Run with them through tall grasses
And bow with them in worship.
....They are the fragile dream of yesterday,
Life's radiant reality of today
And the vibrant vision of tomorrow.
(taken from